Sunday, 29 April 2007

Spring Break part 6

Spring Break part 6
(Yeah, I know - I'm way behind with my blogging...)

Breakfast for the ladies.

So, after our night at the museum, it was time to check things out properly.

This is the guy that invented dinosaurs, or something...

Some of Tyrrell's early fossilisation experiments...

We're going on a dinosaur hunt,
We're gonna catch a big one,

Just trying to work out which is the scariest...

Halloween - trick or treat!

What??? You criticise my art? I will eat you!

Moo! (ok, so it's actually a mastodon skeleton, but hey)

Here is where the dinosaur people do stuff.
With big tubes.

Cayde being irradiated with the dreaded fossilisation ray.


Look down there - that's where we slept!


What happens when a dinosaur runs into a stone wall - splat!

Some dino skellies checking out the boy.


Mmmm - yummy!





What are you looking at?

Enough dino silliness. It's off to the badlands for the Fowlers.

(Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Bad to the bone....)

Tumblin' like a tumblin' tumbleweed.

If the Mars Rover actually landed here, I reckon you'd have a fair bit of trouble working out that it was in the wrong place...

Poignant yet ambiguous.

Yep, we were in Oil Country.
A lot of the farms around here had their nodding donkeys pumping up the oil.

All the barns around here looked pretty much the same.
Here is one that was not red.

Little farm on the prairie.


Really flat.

And finally we made it home to Edmonton.

Spring Break part 5

Spring Break part 5

Out of the mountains and into the prairies.
A quick stop at Airdrie on our way to Drumheller.
You can see just how flat it is in this part of Alberta.

We took a quick detour to Torrington to check out the Gopher museum.
(Which we found in a book called "Weird Alberta Places" - figures, huh?)
It was shut - it only opens in the Summer, so we continued on to Drumheller.
Behold! The world's largest dinosaur.
(Yes, I know, a normal sized T-Rex was not the largest dinosaur - especially compared to some of the huge sauropods like Brachiosaurus, but this particular dinosaur was, as they say, "not to scale" :-)

Of course, we had to check it out.
Up the back passage we go...

And all the way up to the mouth.

"Hello down there!"

"Hello up there!"

This is the town of Drumheller, set in the middle of the badlands.

"Look out behind you..."

Toe jam?

Next stop, the spa where Delle, Bron and Freya were staying.

While we were waiting for 6:00 to come around, we checked out the Little Church.

The name was correct on both counts.
It was a church, and it was little.

"Let us pray..."

So why were we waiting until 6:00?
That's when the Royal Tyrrell Museum opened for overnight business.

Looks like some of the dinos got loose.

Checking out where we'd be sleeping.
Look at the Allosaurus kissing the other dinosaur goodnight.

A quick meal. (See through the windows there - badlands.)

After dinner, they took us on edu-tours of various bits of the museum.
Here's some pre-prehistoric sea life.

Digging for fossils with Kirsten.

Found one!

Next activity, making pterodactyls

"I'm being swallowed by a Boa Constrictor..."

"And I don't like it very much."

A Stegosaurus tells Addie a bed time story.

And Cayde waits for his goodnight kiss from the Allosaur.

And the T-Rex keeps a parental eye on everyone.

See you in the morning...