Friday, 19 January 2007

Toboggan or not toboggan, that is the question...

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to slide
The slopes and narrows of outrageous snowfall
Or to join arms against a sea of snowflakes
And by combining crash them?

As you saw from my previous post of the kids in the park, there is a lot of snow in Edmonton at this time of the year.

This afternoon, Cayde's class had their tobogganing lesson - half an hour of sliding mayhem :-)

(I don't get why girls the world over squeal so much.)

Once school was over, Cayde and I came back with Addison for some more fun in the snow.

Ok, so she missed the jump.

Here's Cayde's attempt.

Yeah, so the jump was more of a slight undulation than a death-dealing obstacle of doom, but hey, the kids enjoyed it :-)


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