Monday, 29 October 2007

Summer Hols West - Icy Strait Point

Icy Strait Point
(Ok, so this is from forever ago, but hey - at least I'm doing it :-)

Nah, it doesn't look very icy, does it?

But they did have an awesome zipline (flying fox).



This dude is carting in a bunch of logs for the tourist fire.

Where all the tourists burn their symbolic tourist chip of wood.

The beach - not like an Aussie beach.

It's good to have a long arm.

Totem poles.

Tribal dancing.
Hang on - the skinny short dude in the middle looks a bit familiar...

Rusty punchbuggy!

Back on board - the seemingly endless corridor to our room.

Somebody was having a fancy dinner party.
I took this photo just before getting kicked out.

It's the elephant from the Blues Brothers!



Anonymous said...

Is it still only October in Canada?This will mean you won't be home for ages!!Aaargh!

Anonymous said...

Is it still only October in Canada?This will mean you won't be home for ages!!Aaargh!

Mark said...

Yeah I know.
I started the blog post back in Oct and it has taken me this long to get it finished.
Been busy.