Monday 22 January 2007

Farmer's Markets and friendly faces

What a lovely day we had when Louanne, Rick and Kate took us to the Farmer's Markets in Old Strathcona.

It was rather cold when we set off - notice the sign - current temperature -14 degrees.

Much warmer inside and naturally the first stop would be to have faces painted. She reminded us of Pip. She was fun.

And she did a beautiful job.
This place is pure atmosphere and full of characters.

Canadians strike me as a friendly people. We have chats, smiles and laughs at many turns.

And I thought Canadians only did maple syrup.
The food and wares here are amazing. We bought some yummy dips and some crab apple jelly (that I am hoping is just like the one Aunty Helen makes at home). Though I walked straight past the bison meat stand. Ughh!!
These are the cutest mittens I have ever seen. I so want to buy things for Little Miss Freya. You should have seen the baby moccasins.
Do you like my new hat? It will keep my ears warm and give me hat hair that is not as bad as when wearing a beanie (or should I say toque). Of course, I only bought it for practical reasons.
We leave the markets to walk Whyte Avenue and discover more of the uniquenes that is Old Strathcona. Yummy Mexican lunch, more shops then move on to yummy apple strudle and gelato. I like this place.
The highlight however is the company.
Thankyou Louanne, Rick and Kate for enlightening us about life in Canada, for your warmth and for the laughs.
We had a great day!!!

1 comment:

Pippa said...

I just love that Grannie. She was so cute with her scalf and her collection of cushions. Loved the video clips also. Thinking of you all. xxx Pip