Monday 12 March 2007

Mark is now gainfully employed

OK, so there is only so much househusbanding I can take.

I got a job with 5D Information Management doing stuff like cleaning toilets, watering plants and administering servers.



Anonymous said...

At last! Howie is also looking for "gainful employment" this week in Darwin -if it ever stops raining. His new address is 1/5 Voyager St Stuart Park Darwin 0820 OZ. The job in Kununurra is washed out. mumf

Anonymous said...

It's amazing the skills you have learnt since you left home.Fancy knowing how to clean toilets and water plants now!love mumf

Anonymous said...

Well Mark enjoy it all, its just another innovative pathology company, that serves Taurus brand Meadow Cakes with your morning tea.
Beware of Obscurantism. Dad