Friday 10 August 2007

Summer Hols West - Lake Okanagan

Lake Okanagan Resort.

(Nearly as luxurious as the teepee...)

First job: ditch the kids.

From 8:30 in the morning until 5:00 in the arvo the kids went to "Kids Kamp" - no kids all day! Yay!

Here we have the view of the lake.

Those things in the water near the shore are inflatable trampolines.
The kids and I gave them a thorough workout when we first arrived.
Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera with us at that time - sorry ladies - you'll just have to use your imagination to picture my sculpted, tanned body athletically diving and swimming through the water...

Green fees for the resort golf course were included, so Sean and I gave it a bash.

I top scored - yeah baby!
I was so good, I scored double the course par!

Time to pick up the kids - I think they had fun without us.

We sampled some of the local brew with dinner.

Breakfast the next morning on the balcony.

Next stop - Vancouver Island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what was the thirsty beaver like?