Saturday 24 February 2007

Canmore - Dogsledding

OK, this was what we went to Canmore for, the dogsledding.

Yes, Kristy Lou was there too.

Two members of the Fowler family, who shall remain nameless, left their snow pants behind. Luckily there was a nice fluffy blanket in the sled to keep them warm :-)

There was only enough room on a sled for three of us (not counting stuffed koalas) so we left the boy behind. The couple behind us had pity on him and took him in as one of their own.

And away we went...

Zooming along the path, the dogs were just busting to run.
The instructors told us that the word to make them go was "Hike!" and the word to make them stop was "Whoa!".
Our dog team completely ignored me - they rock - they would try to start running as soon as the team in front started moving. Good thing the sleds have brakes.
They also completely ignored "Whoa!" - we kept catching up with the team in front, which is not a bad effort when you consider the weight they were towing. (So what if I outweigh Delle and Addie put together - I've got big bones...)
Anyway, we settled into a routine of catching up, stopping, waiting for the team ahead to get further ahead, and then catching them up again.

Here doggie, eat the yummy koala.

At the half way point, we turned around and headed out onto Spray Lake, which was conveniently frozen.

Well, it was mostly frozen...

Oh yeah, what do you get if you cross a Blue Heeler with a Husky?
One of these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow mumf