Thursday 22 February 2007

Go Oilers Go!

(quick apology - it's been a while since the last post, and this post is about something that happened on the same day as the Chimos game below. Sorry...)

Ultra Hockey Day part two.

So, Melissa from Delle's work managed to wangle some tickets to the Edmonton Oilers hockey game. (Well actually her partner Curtis got them from work - way to go Curtis!!!)

This time, we decided to catch the bus and train to get there. As you can see from the photo at the top, even the Edmonton Transport Service gets behind the Oilers. (Have I mentioned that Canadians like their hockey?)

So we get there and the stadium is completely and utterly chockers - not an empty seat in the house. (Yes, Kristy Lou had to see the game too.)

The lights dim, an oil derrick lowers from the ceiling and the Edmonton team skates out onto the ice to rather a lot of applause. (I have mentioned that Canadians like their hockey, haven't I?)

The game itself was awesome. Read here for a full writeup of the game.

The Atlanta Thrashers scored a goal early in the first period, but that was pretty much it as far as away goals were concerned. The Oilers then proceeded to grind the Thrashers into the ice, scoring five goals, much to the crowd's enjoyment.

Being hockey, there was plenty of rough stuff to keep the crowd happy. Players were slammed into the walls, knocked over, sticks broke, one guy was taken off with a concussion (and the guy that hammered him didn't get penalised - hmm)

All in all, a great time was had by all.

Thanks Melissa and Curtis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will Kristy Lou survive this year of excitement? normaf