Sunday 16 September 2007

Summer Hols West - Vancouver

Summer Hols West - Vancouver

Time to say goodbye to Victoria and the rest of Vancouver Island, and jump back on the ferry for the mainland.

Ooh look! Another lighthouse.

So into Vancouver we go.
Time for a quick bite to eat before we send Anne, Jacki and Sean back to Australia.

Great views.

The Last Supper...
(Delle obviously didn't get the memo that it was Red Shirt Day.)

Signs work so much better when they have been customised.

The nearby secret Alien base.

And so we bid farewell to Anne, Jacki and Sean.
(We didn't want to spoil the moment with anything so crass as a photograph... Ok, so we didn't take any photos in the airport.)

Anyway, after ditching that lot back to Australia, it was party time! Into Vancouver we go!

Some people put pot plants on their window sills.
This dude keeps his shoes there.

We get to our hotel to be greeted by an Aussie valet, ready to unload our bags and park our car.
I tell you what, Aussies are everywhere here in Canada.

Anyway, the hotel (the Listel) is chock full of art.
These funky sculptures were waiting to greet us in the lobby.

And this lady was standing next to the check in desk.

A quick wander of the surrounds - red punchbuggy!

1 comment:

Normaf said...

what great holiday pics!